This software package was developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), is not subject to copyright protection, and is in the public domain. Computationally, the program is fully compatible with the NIST Reference Fluid Thermodynamic and Transport Properties - REFPROP, Version 10.0. Single-compound fluids can be combined to form blends of up to five components. The program includes the option to optimize refrigerant circuitry in the heat exchangers to maximize the system coefficient of performance.ĬYCLE_D-HX includes 73 single-compound refrigerants and 113 predefined blends. This representation of heat exchangers facilitates the inclusion of both thermodynamic and transport properties in cycle simulations and makes CYCLE_D-HX suitable for comparative evaluations of different refrigerants, particularly when applied in systems relying on forced-convection heat transfer of refrigerant in the heat exchangers. In contrast to simplified vapor compression cycle which require refrigerant saturation temperatures in the evaporator and condenser as input, CYCLE_D-HX establishes saturation temperatures in the heat exchangers using the temperatures profiles of heat source and heat sink and the mean effective temperature differences in the evaporator and condenser, respectively, which are specified as input to the program.